Diagnodent Pen

Diagnodent Pen

Diagnodent Detects Tooth Decay Before It’s Visible

Visual examinations and x-rays can help us find decay on the surfaces of your teeth, but sometimes these methods are less effective at discovering decay inside a tooth. That’s why Dr. Greene and Dr. Wood use the Diagnodent Pen during your appointment.

How Greene & Wood Family Dentistry Can Help: Diagnodent Uses Laser Scanning To Protect You From Tooth Decay

Diagnodent is a small portable laser that can detect even the smallest area of tooth decay before it’s visible. This highly advanced dental technology is non-invasive and painless.


Diagnodent uses a safe laser scanning system to measure fluorescence inside each tooth’s structure. Healthy teeth have little or no fluorescence whereas teeth with decay have higher levels of fluorescence. Diagnodent allows us to spot danger areas before they’re visible to the naked eye.


More often than not, decay is not noticed until it’s too late. By the time cavities are noticed or felt, the damage has already been done. Some cavities never even show on the surface of your tooth. Diagnodent helps us catch decay in its earliest stages (even when hidden), before it leads to further damage.


Here at Greene & Wood Family Dentistry we’re excited to have this technology in our office. Early cavity detection means we can better protect your teeth. If you have any questions about Diagnodent don’t hesitate to ask. Bring it up on your next visit or call us at (310) 318-7678.